Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Well crud, I missed another month completely. Now I am holed up riding out this harsh North Carolina winter (it is 40 degrees and raining right now! that's cold right?).

Today I have to do an entire research project. I honestly haven't even decided what to write about, but it's due at 3:30 tomorrow. Power of prayer etc.

Yeah, I really need to hop to it. Also I have learned some things in this first week of my meds; I am allergic to cats, and my roommate's cat likes my room and knows how to jump against the door until it opens and then curl up ON MY FACE. Is this a normal this for a cat to do? At least I can fake illness easier when I am constantly in tears from the cat dander.

I wish I had more to say but my time allotted for blogging has run out. BBL YALL!

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