Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I spent all of my money on red bull and belgian beer. Goal for 2009: stop wetting my bed (why is everything in my life the same as it was when I was 8 years old?)

Part 2 of year end list coming so soon

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Best of

So I decided I would make a list of my favorite things of 2008. I mean, I guess it was better than 2007, ALL TOLD. Uhh in no particular order, here they are.

1. this video

2. Favorite album, New Amerykah Part One (4th World War) - Erykah Badu

This album is so good. I listened to it ALL YEAR. She said part two would come out around now, but then she caught the pregs and you know how that goes. Erykah on how to be famous:

3. This video


I don't know how much longer it will be legal. That's probably for the best.

5. All games by Paradox Games, especially

Thank you for eating hours of my life. With this and TCM I never leave my room, ever.

6. Don't care enough to pick a favorite film. I liked Wall-E, but WHO DIDN'T?

I got bored with this so I will finish later. To come: favorite books, anything else.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008



Also, already broke my purse. Do you know what it feels like for a girl? In this world?

Collecting songs containing phone #s, songs with answering machine messages, other songs about phones (YES I KNOW ABOUT 867-5309)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008


There is some Proust quote that I am too lazy to find about genius, and how true creativity seems ugly to us at first because we can't understand it yet. I probably have this wrong but it serves my purposes here because I want to talk about something ugly.

KANYE, you did something here. At first I thought it was gross, but then I CHALLENGED MYSELF. And I realized that, in the inevitable march of our history toward enslavement by machines, you have taken us one step further. The unaugmented human voice is repulsive. You have made something so beautiful that it hurts to hear it. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

And, because I don't feel like shuffling videos as they are taken down, here is my favorite song from before this whole album became my favorite song

Monday, November 17, 2008



I cut my own hair. I got this beautiful teal nightgown from EBGP.


All I want for xmas is [redacted] and dress barn perfume

Friday, September 5, 2008


I have been without reliable internet access for a while, and as a result I have a surplus of things to blog!

1. Naomi took pictures of some art I made when I was 6 years old. If there was any question, the way I am now is the way I have always been.

2. The beer store that was across the street from my old apartment got torn down, with no real warning. I will miss the cold Joose and Colt 45.

3. Cycle 11 of ANTM has begun! This cycle features 3 Britneys; or it did (spoiler alert). I am excited/nervous that Tyra cast a transwoman for this cycle. On one hand it looks like Isis will be portrayed in a sympathetic way, but this isn't a show known for its sensitivity to gender issues. I'm sure I'll have more to say as the cycle continues, but for now I'll hold my breath and say that the visibility has to be a positive thing.

4. I am back to old lady hours, which is weird. I am in bed by 11 most nights, and I seem to wake up at 7 with or without my alarm. If I do succeed in getting Internet again I am sure this will change.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Went to New York, classes started, Clive died.

I like NCCU a lot. As far as I can tell I should be finished with undergrad in 3 semesters, which is encouraging.

Today gmail got me to click through on ads for LED flooring and free STD testing. How does it know me so well?

Stuff is ending, other stuff is starting. 2 blessed 2 b stressed.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Montreal is cool. I did some stuff.

I am most interested in the food here.

  • Mars bars are still available in Canada.
  • People are really into poutine, which I haven't tried because it is gross.
  • I have eaten ketchup chips every day I have been here.
  • Instead of root beer people drink spruce beer.
  • Old world meets new world: I was served a croissant with Cheez Whiz for breakfast. It was delicious.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

heavy on thigh and light on integrity

June was awesome, July will never measure up.

I have a cold, I am going to Montreal. I am really into Iceberg Slim right now. Also I am reading this. It's pretty cool.

Friday, June 6, 2008

In this light I can see a letter V that the baby licked on my computer screen. She is so cool; she know a few words and she likes to babble sentences like mehwahbababawehBABY.

Family gatherings are intense; my aunt decided that the baby's birthday party was a good time to bring up the fact that, in her dementia, my great-grandmother told her that my great-grandfather was not the love of her life. She was engaged to some other man but he wanted a farm and she wanted to live in the city. Why was it necessary to bring this up at the baby's birthday dinner?

Stuff is pretty cool right now.

Monday, June 2, 2008

My cookout was awesome; when pictures surface I will post them. I made veggie burgers from scratch. Actually Chelsea made most of them because I was stuck in traffic. Why was there traffic? A plane crashed into I-85.

I got this in the mail.

I'm not sure that I'm going to do much of anything this summer, and I think it's ok.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

life is sweeter than jewish wine

This summer I am going to finish as many books on my ever-growing pile as possible. Today I finished this, and book club is reading this. I only have a bout 50 pages left in this. After that, I really want to read the Liveship Traders books by Robin Hobb; they have sentient boats made with wizardwood.

Also I am making cool art stuff; Laura sent me an amazing letter from Switzerland, I am papering my room with pictures of soldiers and parrots, and I am trying to consolidate my stuff into one bedroom (first world problems...).

Saturday, May 17, 2008

back on the sauce

I woke up covered in crushed potato chips, with gum in my hair. Sometimes I feel so beautiful.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I'm 22 now! I got socks without dragons, the duck teapot, and Naomi gave me a shirt with sea otters.

I was thinking about the clothes I wore when I was in high school: cargo shorts, pants I literally had to duct tape together every time I washed them, pleated pants, PLEATED CUTOFFS... I also wore the same t-shirts I still wear, but that's beside the point.

I want Edwyn Collins' clothes in this video

Saturday, May 10, 2008

there is studying to be done so instead i am writing in my blogs.

I learned how to post pictures!

Today I made this fakemeat sandwich:

A while ago I introduced Princess to Denver the dinosaur:

I am on a diet called not drinking beer and being too lazy to buy food, and it is working really well. Also I am doing this. Does actually owning the DVD make me more or less cool?

Back to studying. I need to learn the entire French language by Monday.

Friday, May 9, 2008


Now that she has sold the story to People and gotten a tattoo, I guess I can assume she is actually married. Oh, Mariah.

I always thought Mariah's music was the aural equivalent of Lisa Frank products. She says she and Nick are perfect for each other because they are both eternally 12 years old. Since I am eternally 8 or 9, I guess that explains why I JUST DON'T GET IT.

I see two early problems:
  1. Either Nick recycled Selita Eubanks' ring or Mariah bought it herself. I like to think the second is true. Still, if this was such a fairytale of a relationship, shouldn't Prince Charming be paying for it?
  2. There is apparently no prenup. Mariah, did you learn nothing from Tommy Mottola? I can see this marriage lasting more than say, a year, but after that?
I wanted to believe this was a publicity stunt, but then wouldn't Mariah cast someone higher than a C-List Nickelodeon star as her boyfriend? Either she is really in love or her brain is breaking again. I mean, it may get her a second Oprah appearance, but I am crossing my fingers that instead we get a second nervous breakdown in 5 years. I just wanted one day off when I can go swimming and eat ice cream and check out rainbows and maybe learn how to ride a bicycle.

I AM NOT H8ING! Me and Mariah go back like babies and pacifiers. I just want her to be happy, and to get 3 more number ones and beat the Beatles.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

i want to be top dog for once instead of just dog

today at the dead people record store: Roxy Music 72, Talking Heads Remain In Light, lots of Stax Volt stuff, the Best of Shirley Temple, Patti Smith Horses, and more!

ready or not everything is due tomorrow. graduation could be in the works. or summer school.

This summer I want to go here:

Also the beach, the lake, Baltimore Pride, Graceland, New York, Boston? Dollywood?

My birthday is in one week. The only thing I asked for was a teapot shaped like a duck. Oh, and cashmere socks with dragons on them.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


what an awful week

  • a needs-improvement performance review at work (I scored poorly in optimism and leadership)
  • clip show week on antm
  • a not-so-unexpected rejection letter
  • an eviction scare and a visit from evil Santa
  • tonight I lost vision in my right eye for 20 minutes, and then spent 4 hours in the ER.
  • Princess almost ran away
things I am not upset about

  • a raise is in the works?
  • ocular migraines? are there pills for those?
  • cassettes!
  • records!
  • birthday soon!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I couldn't delete this so I put a video in it

There's a salmon colored girl who sets my heart awhirl
Who lives along the Yukon far away

She makes her underwear from the hides of grizzly bear
and bathes in ice cold water everyday

I'm not the same, I have no shame


  • Eat 1 tsp hair every day
  • Develop trichobezoar
  • Once I reach goal weight, have it surgically removed and worship it as a god
In life news, Princess met strawberries.

She's got the goldmine, I've got the shaft.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Stuff happened in my life.

Princess and I have been going out grazing every day. She doesn't eat clover, but dandelion greens are her favorite.

I hit the country music goldmine at EbGP. I am now the proud owner of 7 Tammy Wynette records.

Soon I will learn what an html is and put up pictures. Until then I will just add videos so my posts have content.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

first post

This will be my blog. I am already this excited about writing in it.