Friday, September 5, 2008


I have been without reliable internet access for a while, and as a result I have a surplus of things to blog!

1. Naomi took pictures of some art I made when I was 6 years old. If there was any question, the way I am now is the way I have always been.

2. The beer store that was across the street from my old apartment got torn down, with no real warning. I will miss the cold Joose and Colt 45.

3. Cycle 11 of ANTM has begun! This cycle features 3 Britneys; or it did (spoiler alert). I am excited/nervous that Tyra cast a transwoman for this cycle. On one hand it looks like Isis will be portrayed in a sympathetic way, but this isn't a show known for its sensitivity to gender issues. I'm sure I'll have more to say as the cycle continues, but for now I'll hold my breath and say that the visibility has to be a positive thing.

4. I am back to old lady hours, which is weird. I am in bed by 11 most nights, and I seem to wake up at 7 with or without my alarm. If I do succeed in getting Internet again I am sure this will change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am watching ANTM right now, this futuristic thing is hilar. Also I cringed a little bit when Tyra said it was the 11th cycle and we were going into a new decade of top model. I want her to be able to count.